Sunday, 16 February 2014

First Week of School

I thought I'd backtrack a couple of weeks and let you know some of the things we did the first week of school. 

First up, a couple of annual staples. Reading Chrysanthemum and passing around the heart to scrunch up whenever the kids in the book say something unkind. This year, we took it in turns to try and smooth the heart back out while saying something kind we could say to Chrysanthemum or one of our friends when we placed our band-aid. We learned that words can hurt our heart even when we apologise. We drank our jitter juice (guava and tropical juice mixed with soda water - tried for a healthier version this year!) and graphed our feelings after reading First Day Jitters. We also read Clifford's Manners during the week, accompanied with Friendship Fruit Salad (Thanks to Jodi at Fun-in-First - see 9.30am on Tuesday's plan).
We made these super cute Chester's after reading The Kissing Hand. My kids literally aaawwweed when Chester gave his mum a kiss on the hand! I got this idea from Rhonda's pack. We read Pete the Cat and went on a school tour which I made up to suit my school after reading this post on Michelle's blog Inspired by Kindergarten. The kids LOVED it (and so did I!).

For the past few years I've been reading The Day a Monster Came to School. This year, I also introduced the Picturing Penguin reading strategy and had the kids create their mental images of the monster in the story and write a short description.

I'm on a roll with 2 posts in 2 days. I might try and do a week 2 post tomorrow!

There are more ideas on my Back to School pinterest board.


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